I found that you looking for Tempo SC Ultra 900 ML Pest Control Insecticide ~~ Kill Bees, Bedbugs, Carpenter ants, Cockroaches, Crickets, Hornets, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, Ticks, Wasps, Yellow Jackets etc through search engine? You come to the right web store. We also have great selection of product that relevan to Tempo SC Ultra 900 ML Pest Control Insecticide ~~ Kill Bees, Bedbugs, Carpenter ants, Cockroaches, Crickets, Hornets, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, Ticks, Wasps, Yellow Jackets etc. You can get the best and special price for those product here. For certain items, get free shipping to your address and return guarantee for all item that you buy.
Product Features
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Active Ingredient: beta-cyfluthrin 11.8% ~~ Target pests: indoor (crack and crevice) and outdoor pests, pantry pests. See label for detailed list. ~~ Pet safe: Yes, after product dries.
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Pest Control Pros is an independent company and distributor of pest control products. Pest Control Pros can not warranty or guarantee the safety of the products listed on our website as this solely lies with the manufacturer of the product. Products sold on this site are sold throughout the world and it is impossible to know every licensing restriction or requirements, product registration, etc. for every country, state, county, city, province, etc. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser and the end user to provide a license, permit, registration or whatever is required by their local or state authorities to purchase said product.
More Details About Tempo SC Ultra 900 ML Pest Control Insecticide ~~ Kill Bees, Bedbugs, Carpenter ants, Cockroaches, Crickets, Hornets, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, Ticks, Wasps, Yellow Jackets etc
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